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스스로를 얼마나 믿는가? ,과신

by rubyjin 2023. 5. 17.

Overconfidence is a cognitive bias in which individuals have an excessive belief in their abilities or knowledge. 

It involves an inflated sense of self-confidence, leading people to overestimate their own skills, judgments, or performance in certain domains. This bias can occur in various aspects of life, such as decision-making, problem-solving, or evaluating one's own performance.


과신은 개인이 자신의 능력이나 지식에 대해 과도한 믿음을 갖는 인지 편향입니다. 

그것은 사람들이 특정 영역에서 자신의 기술, 판단 또는 성과를 과대평가하도록 이끄는 부풀려진 자신감을 포함합니다. 

이 편견은 의사 결정, 문제 해결 또는 자신의 성과 평가와 같은 삶의 다양한 측면에서 발생할 수 있습니다.




